  • All learners need to attend every lesson,  log in 5 minutes before time, make sure they add their real name on screen, keep the camera on during the lesson, be dressed appropriately and be in a non-private place e.g do not come in a dressing gown or be in bed during lessons, have a pen and notebook. Parents need to support this process so that it can run smoothly each week.
  • In the exceptional circumstance that your child is unable to attend, you must inform us by Wednesday 6pm by sending an email to swahililessons@kccc.uk 
  •  If your child fails to attend twice, they will not be allowed back.
  • The lessons will be delivered via Zoom. The Zoom log-in details must not be shared with unregistered persons. If a child/person who is not registered turns up, they will be removed and locked out.
  • No adult or child is supposed to record or take pictures in any class session.
  • If my child is under 16 years there will be an adult present within the room where the child is having lessons.
  • We expect your child to be respectful, disciplined. and follow the teacher’s instructions.
  • We reserve the right to remove any child who does not adhere to these rules.
  • I give consent for my child/ren to be video recorded in the lesson only for engagement purposes. The video recording will not be shared or distributed to anyone.
  • Consent needs to be provided by all guardians in exception of children who are in care under the guardian – where this applies
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